

ChemicalGene SymbolGene NameInteraction source
MercuryHSF1heat shock transcription factor 1CTD
MercuryGSRglutathione-disulfide reductaseCTD
MercuryRND2Rho family GTPase 2CTD
MercuryGPX1glutathione peroxidase 1CTD
MercuryIL6interleukin 6CTD
MercuryAPPamyloid beta precursor proteinCTD
MercurySLC22A4solute carrier family 22 member 4CTD
MercuryITIH4inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain family member 4CTD
MercuryURODuroporphyrinogen decarboxylaseCTD
MercuryAQP10aquaporin 10CTD
MercuryG6PDglucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenaseCTD
MercuryMMEmembrane metalloendopeptidaseCTD
MercuryCPOXcoproporphyrinogen oxidaseCTD
MercuryCASP3caspase 3CTD
MercurySERPING1serpin family G member 1CTD
MercuryABCC2ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 2CTD
MercuryC6complement C6CTD
MercuryPON1paraoxonase 1CTD
MercuryCA1carbonic anhydrase 1CTD
MercuryCXCL8C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 8CTD
MercuryITIH1inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 1CTD
MercurySERPINA3serpin family A member 3CTD
MercuryCFBcomplement factor BCTD
MercuryACHEacetylcholinesterase (Cartwright blood group)CTD
MercuryAQP1aquaporin 1 (Colton blood group)CTD
MercuryIL1Binterleukin 1 betaCTD
MercuryCPN2carboxypeptidase N subunit 2CTD
MercuryIFNGinterferon gammaCTD
MercuryAPOA2apolipoprotein A2CTD
MercuryA1BGalpha-1-B glycoproteinCTD
MercuryCA2carbonic anhydrase 2CTD
MercuryCOL26A1collagen type XXVI alpha 1 chainCTD
MercuryPARK7Parkinsonism associated deglycaseCTD
MercuryTNFtumor necrosis factorCTD
MercuryC3complement C3CTD
MercurySELENOPselenoprotein PCTD
MercuryNAT1N-acetyltransferase 1CTD


ExHuMId is a knowledgebase compiled through manual curation of published scientific literature wherein environmental contaminants were detected in human milk samples across India. We are not responsible for any errors in published scientific articles from where the human milk exposome specific to India was compiled. We are also not responsible for any omission of published scientific articles containing information on human milk exposome specific to India. Importantly, our primary goal to build this resource was to enable future research on human exposome studies specific to India. Hence, the views expressed in this work are solely based on our scientific understanding of the topic, and they do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of our employers or funders.