Musk xylene

Musk xylene

Chemical nameGene identifierToxCast assay component endpoint name
Musk xylenePLAURBSK_3C_uPAR_down
Musk xyleneHLA-DRABSK_3C_HLADR_down
Musk xyleneSELEBSK_3C_Eselectin_down
Musk xyleneCSF1BSK_LPS_MCSF_down
Musk xyleneVDRATG_VDRE_CIS_up
Musk xyleneIL1ABSK_LPS_IL1a_down
Musk xyleneNR4A2ATG_NURR1_TRANS_up
Musk xyleneRXRAATG_RXRa_TRANS_up
Musk xyleneRXRBATG_RXRb_TRANS_up
Musk xyleneTGFB1BSK_KF3CT_TGFb1_down
Musk xyleneMMP9BSK_KF3CT_MMP9_down
Musk xyleneNR1H2ATG_DR4_LXR_CIS_dn
Musk xyleneCD38BSK_SAg_CD38_down
Musk xyleneMTF1ATG_MRE_CIS_up
Musk xyleneESR1ATG_ERE_CIS_up
Musk xyleneTSHRTOX21_TSHR_Agonist_ratio
Musk xylenePGRTOX21_PR_BLA_Antagonist_ratio
Musk xyleneRARBATG_DR5_CIS_up
Musk xyleneNR1I2ATG_PXRE_CIS_up
Musk xyleneXBP1ATG_Xbp1_CIS_up
Musk xyleneNR1I3TOX21_CAR_Agonist
Musk xyleneCCL26BSK_4H_Eotaxin3_down
Musk xyleneNR1I2ATG_PXR_TRANS_up
Musk xyleneMMP1BSK_BE3C_MMP1_up
Musk xyleneCXCL10BSK_BE3C_IP10_down
Musk xyleneESR1ATG_ERa_TRANS_up
Musk xyleneVCAM1BSK_3C_VCAM1_down
Musk xyleneSERPINE1BSK_hDFCGF_PAI1_down
Musk xylenePLAURBSK_CASM3C_uPAR_up
Musk xyleneF3BSK_3C_TissueFactor_down
Musk xyleneCCL2BSK_KF3CT_MCP1_up
Musk xyleneSELPBSK_4H_Pselectin_down
Musk xyleneSERPINE1BSK_BE3C_PAI1_up
Musk xyleneNR1H3ATG_DR4_LXR_CIS_dn
Musk xyleneRARGATG_DR5_CIS_up
Musk xyleneTNFBSK_LPS_TNFa_down
Musk xyleneRXRATOX21_RXR_BLA_Agonist_ratio
Musk xyleneCXCL10BSK_KF3CT_IP10_down
Musk xyleneTHBDBSK_CASM3C_Thrombomodulin_up
Musk xyleneCCL2BSK_4H_MCP1_down
Musk xyleneIRF1ATG_ISRE_CIS_dn
Musk xyleneCCL2BSK_3C_MCP1_down
Musk xyleneRARAATG_DR5_CIS_up
Musk xyleneICAM1BSK_3C_ICAM1_down


FCCP is a repository of fragrance chemicals used in children’s products compiled and curated from published scientific literature. We are not responsible for any errors or omission of any chemicals or published scientific studies that reported fragrance chemicals used in children’s products. The users are advised to exercise their own judgement while using our resource. Importantly our goal is to build this resource on fragrance chemicals used in children’s products to enable future research towards better understanding of the hazardous potential of these chemicals and to frame better policy decisions. Hence, the views expressed in this work are solely based on our scientific understanding of the topic, and they do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of our employers or funders.