

LiteratureOrganismNeurotoxic endpointsMeSH Identifier
Cavanagh J and B. J. Neurol, 1967RatMotor Neuron DiseaseD016472
RatNerve DegenerationD009410
Jones, W.A. and Jones, 1953HumanPolyneuropathiesD011115
PMID:1149855RatPeripheral NeuropathiesD010523
PMID:13057405HumanPeripheral NeuropathiesD010523
PMID:14202521RatNerve DegenerationD009410
PMID:14212808RatDemyelinating DisordersD003711
PMID:14265304DogDemyelinating DisordersD003711
DogNeurologic ManifestationsD009461
PMID:4171197MiceCentral Nervous System DiseasesD002493
PMID:4321424HumanPeripheral NeuropathiesD010523
PMID:4362785HumanReflex, AbnormalD012021
PMID:4798141RatPeripheral NeuropathiesD010523
PMID:5676921RatAction PotentialsD000200
RatMotor Neuron DiseaseD016472
RatNeural ConductionD009431
RatSciatic neuropathyD020426
PMID:6034608DogBrain EdemaD001929
Ramakrishna T and Smith, 1970HumanElectroencephalography Phase SynchronizationD058407
US EPA report, 1976RatDemyelinating DisordersD003711
RatDiffuse Axonal InjuryD020833
RatPeripheral NeuropathiesD010523


NeurotoxKb is a comprehensive knowledgebase of potential environmental neurotoxicants specific to mammals compiled from well-established resources based on the observed neurotoxic endpoints in published literature. The presence of any of the potential neurotoxicants in publicly available chemical compilations, regulatory lists, and guidelines worldwide is reported here solely to support future research on neurotoxicity of environmental chemicals. We do not claim responsibility for any errors or omission in compiled evidence supporting the neurotoxicity of chemicals in our resource, and hence, users are advised to exercise their own informed decision in using the compiled list of potential neurotoxicants in our resource. Further, this work on the compilation of a resource on potential neurotoxicants and their toxicological endpoints is solely based on our scientific understanding of the topic, and this does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of our employers or funders.