IMPPAT Phytochemical information: 
Reserpine N-Oxide

Reserpine N-Oxide

SMILES: COc1ccc2c(c1)[nH]c1c2CC[N+]2([C@@H]1C[C@H]1[C@@H](C2)C[C@H]([C@@H]([C@H]1C(=O)OC)OC)OC(=O)c1cc(OC)c(c(c1)OC)OC)[O-]
InChI: InChI=1S/C33H40N2O10/c1-39-19-7-8-20-21-9-10-35(38)16-18-13-27(45-32(36)17-11-25(40-2)30(42-4)26(12-17)41-3)31(43-5)28(33(37)44-6)22(18)15-24(35)29(21)34-23(20)14-19/h7-8,11-12,14,18,22,24,27-28,31,34H,9-10,13,15-16H2,1-6H3/t18-,22+,24-,27-,28+,31+,35?/m1/s1
DeepSMILES: COcccccc6)[nH]cc5CC[N+][C@@H]6C[C@H][C@@H]C6)C[C@H][C@@H][C@H]6C=O)OC))))OC)))OC=O)cccOC))ccc6)OC)))OC))))))))))))))[O-]
Scaffold Graph/Node/Bond level: O=C(OC1CCC2CC3c4[nH]c5ccccc5c4CC[NH+]3CC2C1)c1ccccc1
Scaffold Graph/Node level: OC(OC1CCC2CC3C4NC5CCCCC5C4CCN3CC2C1)C1CCCCC1
Scaffold Graph level: CC(CC1CCC2CC3C(CCC4C5CCCCC5CC34)CC2C1)C1CCCCC1
Functional groups: COC; COC(C)=O; C[N+](C)(C)[O-]; cC(=O)OC; cOC; c[nH]c
Chemical classification
ClassyFire Kingdom: Organic compounds
ClassyFire Superclass: Alkaloids and derivatives
ClassyFire Class: Yohimbine alkaloids
NP Classifier Biosynthetic pathway: Alkaloids
NP Classifier Superclass: Tryptophan alkaloids
NP Classifier Class: Yohimbine-like alkaloids
Synonymous chemical names:
External chemical identifiers:
CID:12442718; ZINC:ZINC000238775030
Chemical structure download

Reserpine N-Oxide
Physicochemical properties
Property name Tool Property value
Molecular weight (g/mol) RDKit 624.69
Log P RDKit 4.18
Topological polar surface area (Å2) RDKit 137.6
Number of hydrogen bond acceptors RDKit 10
Number of hydrogen bond donors RDKit 1
Number of carbon atoms RDKit 33
Number of heavy atoms RDKit 45
Number of heteroatoms RDKit 12
Number of nitrogen atoms RDKit 2
Number of sulfur atoms RDKit 0
Number of chiral carbon atoms RDKit 6
Stereochemical complexity RDKit 0.18
Number of sp hybridized carbon atoms RDKit 0
Number of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms RDKit 16
Number of sp3 hybridized carbon atoms RDKit 17
Shape complexity RDKit 0.52
Number of rotatable bonds RDKit 10
Number of aliphatic carbocycles RDKit 1
Number of aliphatic heterocycles RDKit 2
Number of aliphatic rings RDKit 3
Number of aromatic carbocycles RDKit 2
Number of aromatic heterocycles RDKit 1
Number of aromatic rings RDKit 3
Total number of rings RDKit 6
Number of saturated carbocycles RDKit 1
Number of saturated heterocycles RDKit 1
Number of saturated rings RDKit 2
Number of Smallest Set of Smallest Rings (SSSR) RDKit 6

Reserpine N-Oxide
Drug-likeness properties
Property nameToolProperty value
Number of Lipinski’s rule of 5 violations RDKit 1
Lipinski’s rule of 5 filter RDKit Passed
Number of Ghose filter violations RDKit 3
Ghose filter RDKit Failed
Veber filter RDKit Good
Pfizer 3/75 filter RDKit Bad
GSK 4/400 filter RDKit Bad
Weighted quantitative estimate of drug-likeness (QEDw) score RDKit 0.2207

Reserpine N-Oxide
ADMET properties
Property nameToolProperty value
Bioavailability score SwissADME 0.17
Solubility class [ESOL] SwissADME Moderately soluble
Solubility class [Silicos-IT] SwissADME Poorly soluble
Blood Brain Barrier permeation SwissADME No
Gastrointestinal absorption SwissADME Low
Log Kp (Skin permeation, cm/s) SwissADME -7.58
Number of PAINS structural alerts SwissADME 1.0
Number of Brenk structural alerts SwissADME 2.0
CYP1A2 inhibitor SwissADME No
CYP2C19 inhibitor SwissADME No
CYP2C9 inhibitor SwissADME No
CYP2D6 inhibitor SwissADME No
CYP3A4 inhibitor SwissADME No
P-glycoprotein substrate SwissADME Yes