We would like to thank the authors of following resources which were used to build ViCEKb.

Literature source
Chemical identifier mapping
Chemical classification
Physicochemical properties and molecular descriptors
ADMET properties
Obtaining target genes
Presence in consumer products
Protein identifier mapping
Chemical exposome databases
Web interface

We thank Kishan Kumar for creating the artwork which are displayed as icons in this resource.


Research in the group of Areejit Samal at The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai is financially supported by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) India, and a Max Planck Partner Group funded by the Max Planck Society Germany. The funders have no role in study design, prediction, analysis or decision to publish this work.


ViCEKb is a knowledgebase of chemicals linked with pathogenesis of vitiligo in humans that have been curated from various published case study reports, clinical observation reports and research articles. The authors are not liable for any inaccuracies or omissions of any chemicals or published scientific literature pertaining to vitiligo-triggering chemicals in this resource. Users are advised to exercise their own discretion while judging the weight of evidence for vitiligo-triggering chemicals compiled in this resource. Importantly, our sole goal to build this resource on potential vitiligo-triggering chemicals is to enable future basic research on this topic, and it does not necessarily reflect the views or objectives of our employers or funders.