S. No.File descriptionFile sizeDownloadRelease date
1Names and identifiers of chemicals
List of 113 chemicals with their PubChem identifier, CAS Number, DTSXID, Name, IUPAC Name, SMILES, InChI and InChIKey
2Classification and categorization of chemicals
List of 113 chemicals with their chemical Kingdom, cheimcal SuperClas, chemical Class, Environmental source - broad category and Environmental source - sub-category
3Literature evidence, reported exposure, exposure category, evidence levels
List of literature evidences for 113 chemicals along with reported exposures, standardized exposure category and standardized evidence levels
4Physicochemical properties
List of 113 chemicals and their Physicochemical properties, namely, Molecular weight, Log P, TPSA, Hydrogen bond acceptors, Hydrogen bond donors, Carbon atoms, Heavy atoms, Heteroatoms, Chiral centers and Rotatable bonds
5Predicted ADMET properties
List of 113 chemicals with their predicted ADMET (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion and Toxicity) properties
6ToxCast skin assays
List of chemicals with reported ToxCast skin assays, and the corresponding end point values
7Predicted molecular descriptors
List of chemicals with their predicted 1D, 2D and 3D Molecular descriptors computed using PaDEL
82D structures
A single sdf file with 2-dimensional structure of 113 chemicals
93D structures
A single sdf file with 3-dimensional structure of 113 chemicals

ViCEKb is a knowledgebase of chemicals linked with pathogenesis of vitiligo in humans that have been curated from various published case study reports, clinical observation reports and research articles. The authors are not liable for any inaccuracies or omissions of any chemicals or published scientific literature pertaining to vitiligo-triggering chemicals in this resource. Users are advised to exercise their own discretion while judging the weight of evidence for vitiligo-triggering chemicals compiled in this resource. Importantly, our sole goal to build this resource on potential vitiligo-triggering chemicals is to enable future basic research on this topic, and it does not necessarily reflect the views or objectives of our employers or funders.