Tool | Type | Descriptor | Description | Descriptor class | Result |
PaDEL | 2D | AATS0e | Average Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Auto correlation descriptor | 9.66375 |
PaDEL | 2D | AATS0i | Average Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by first ionization potential | Auto correlation descriptor | 130.5278363314 |
PaDEL | 2D | AATS0m | Average Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by mass | Auto correlation descriptor | 1843.86459614068 |
PaDEL | 2D | AATS0p | Average Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by polarizabilities | Auto correlation descriptor | 32.6216 |
PaDEL | 2D | AATS0s | Average Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by I-state | Auto correlation descriptor | Inf |
PaDEL | 2D | AATS0v | Average Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Auto correlation descriptor | 770.069988225457 |
PaDEL | 2D | AATSC0e | Average centered Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Auto correlation descriptor | 0.36125 |
PaDEL | 2D | AATSC0i | Average centered Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by first ionization potential | Auto correlation descriptor | 6.80463102935555 |
PaDEL | 2D | AATSC0m | Average centered Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by mass | Auto correlation descriptor | 84.39642176045 |
PaDEL | 2D | AATSC0p | Average centered Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by polarizabilities | Auto correlation descriptor | 11.5840888888889 |
PaDEL | 2D | AATSC0s | Average centered Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by I-state | Auto correlation descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | AATSC0v | Average centered Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Auto correlation descriptor | 41.330133042881 |
PaDEL | 2D | ALogP | Ghose-Crippen LogKow | ALOGP descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | ALogp2 | Square of AlogP | ALOGP descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | AMR | Molar refractivity | ALOGP descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | AMW | Average molecular weight (Molecular weight / Total number of atoms) | PaDEL Weight descriptor | 41.6252501533333 |
PaDEL | 2D | apol | Sum of the atomic polarizabilities (including implicit hydrogens) | APol descriptor | 13.76 |
RDKit | 3D | Asphericity | Molecular asphericity | Geometrical descriptor | 0.901133600004507 |
Pybel | 1D | atoms | Number of atoms | Constitutional descriptor | 3 |
PaDEL | 2D | ATS0e | Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Auto correlation descriptor | 28.99125 |
PaDEL | 2D | ATS0i | Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by first ionization potential | Auto correlation descriptor | 391.5835089942 |
PaDEL | 2D | ATS0m | Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by mass | Auto correlation descriptor | 5531.59378842203 |
PaDEL | 2D | ATS0p | Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by polarizabilities | Auto correlation descriptor | 97.8648 |
PaDEL | 2D | ATS0s | Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by I-state | Auto correlation descriptor | Inf |
PaDEL | 2D | ATS0v | Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Auto correlation descriptor | 2310.20996467637 |
PaDEL | 2D | ATSC0e | Centered Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Auto correlation descriptor | 1.08375 |
PaDEL | 2D | ATSC0i | Centered Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by first ionization potential | Auto correlation descriptor | 20.4138930880667 |
PaDEL | 2D | ATSC0m | Centered Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by mass | Auto correlation descriptor | 253.18926528135 |
PaDEL | 2D | ATSC0p | Centered Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by polarizabilities | Auto correlation descriptor | 34.7522666666667 |
PaDEL | 2D | ATSC0s | Centered Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by I-state | Auto correlation descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | ATSC0v | Centered Broto-Moreau autocorrelation - lag 0 / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Auto correlation descriptor | 123.990399128643 |
PaDEL | 2D | AVP.0 | Average valence path, order 0 | PaDEL ChiPath descriptor | 0.666666666666667 |
PaDEL | 2D | BCUTc.1h | nlow highest partial charge weighted BCUTS | BCUT descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | BCUTc.1l | nhigh lowest partial charge weighted BCUTS | BCUT descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | BCUTp.1h | nlow highest polarizability weighted BCUTS | BCUT descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | BCUTp.1l | nhigh lowest polarizability weighted BCUTS | BCUT descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | BCUTw.1h | nlow highest atom weighted BCUTS | BCUT descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | BCUTw.1l | nhigh lowest atom weighted BCUTS | BCUT descriptor | NA |
RDKit | 2D | BertzCT | A topological index meant to quantify complexity of molecules.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 103:3599-601 (1981). | Topological descriptor | 2.75488750216347 |
RDKit | 2D | Chi0n | Similar to Hall Kier Chi0v, but uses nVal instead of valence This makes a big difference after we get out of the first row.Rev. Comput. Chem. 2:367-422 (1991). | Connectivity descriptor | 1.13389341902768 |
RDKit | 2D | Chi0v | From equations (5),(9) and (10) of Rev. Comp. Chem. vol 2, 367-422, (1991) | Connectivity descriptor | 3.82617428300332 |
PaDEL | 2D | CIC0 | Complementary information content index (neighborhood symmetry of 0-order) | Information Content descriptor | 0.666666666666667 |
PaDEL | 2D | CIC1 | Complementary information content index (neighborhood symmetry of 1-order) | Information Content descriptor | 1.58496250072116 |
PaDEL | 2D | CIC2 | Complementary information content index (neighborhood symmetry of 2-order) | Information Content descriptor | 1.58496250072116 |
PaDEL | 2D | CIC3 | Complementary information content index (neighborhood symmetry of 3-order) | Information Content descriptor | 1.58496250072116 |
PaDEL | 2D | CIC4 | Complementary information content index (neighborhood symmetry of 4-order) | Information Content descriptor | 1.58496250072116 |
PaDEL | 2D | CIC5 | Complementary information content index (neighborhood symmetry of 5-order) | Information Content descriptor | 1.58496250072116 |
PaDEL | 2D | CrippenLogP | Crippen's LogP | Crippen descriptor | -5.9945 |
PaDEL | 2D | DELS | Sum of all atoms intrinsic state differences. Modelling and prediction of soil sorption coefficients of non-ionic organic pesticides by molecular descriptors. Chemosphere 41, 763-777. | Electrotopological State Atom Type descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | DELS2 | Sum of all atoms intrinsic state differences. Modelling and prediction of soil sorption coefficients of non-ionic organic pesticides by molecular descriptors. Chemosphere 41, 763-777. | Electrotopological State Atom Type descriptor | NA |
RDKit | 3D | Eccentricity | Molecular eccentricity | Geometrical descriptor | 0.999417756439927 |
PaDEL | 2D | EE_D | Estrada-like index from topological distance matrix | Topological Distance Matrix descriptor | 709.782712893384 |
PaDEL | 2D | EE_Dt | Estrada-like index from detour matrix | Detour Matrix descriptor | 1.88280282272184 |
PaDEL | 2D | EE_Dze | Estrada-like index from Barysz matrix / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | EE_Dzi | Estrada-like index from Barysz matrix / weighted by first ionization potential | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | EE_Dzm | Estrada-like index from Barysz matrix / weighted by mass | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | EE_Dzp | Estrada-like index from Barysz matrix / weighted by polarizabilities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | EE_Dzs | Estrada-like index from Barysz matrix / weighted by I-state | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | EE_Dzv | Estrada-like index from Barysz matrix / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | EE_DzZ | Estrada-like index from Barysz matrix / weighted by atomic number | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
RDKit | 2D | EState_VSA2 | MOE-type descriptors using EState indices and surface area contributions (developed at RD, not described in the CCG paper). | MOE-type descriptor | 41.8827444747656 |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_Alpha | Sum of alpha values of all non-hydrogen vertices of a molecule | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | 5.26191 |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_AlphaP | Sum of alpha values of all non-hydrogen vertices of a molecule relative to molecular size | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | 1.75397 |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_dAlpha_A | A measure of count of non-hydrogen heteroatoms | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | 1.25397 |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_dEpsilon_A | A measure of contribution of unsaturation and electronegative atom count | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | -0.53397 |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_dEpsilon_C | A measure of contribution of electronegativity | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | 0.53397 |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_dPsi_A | A measure of hydrogen bonding propensity of the molecules | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | 12.10592 |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_Epsilon_1 | A measure of electronegative atom count | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | -0.15397 |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_Epsilon_2 | A measure of electronegative atom count | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | -0.15397 |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_Epsilon_3 | A measure of electronegative atom count | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | 0.38 |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_Epsilon_4 | A measure of electronegative atom count | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | -0.15397 |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_Epsilon_5 | A measure of electronegative atom count | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | -0.15397 |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_Eta | Composite index Eta | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | Inf |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_Eta_F | Functionality index EtaF | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_Eta_R | Composite index Eta for reference alkane | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | Inf |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_EtaP | Composite index Eta relative to molecular size | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | Inf |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_EtaP_F | Functionality index EtaF relative to molecular size | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | ETA_Psi_1 | A measure of hydrogen bonding propensity of the molecules and/or polar surface area | Extended Topochemical Atom descriptor | -11.39163 |
RDKit | 2D | ExactMolWt | The molecule's exact molecular weight. | Molecular property descriptor | 124.87575046 |
RDKit | 2D | FpDensityMorgan1 | Morgan fingerprint density | Topological descriptor | 0.666666666666667 |
RDKit | 2D | FpDensityMorgan2 | Morgan fingerprint density | Topological descriptor | 0.666666666666667 |
RDKit | 2D | FpDensityMorgan3 | Morgan fingerprint density | Topological descriptor | 0.666666666666667 |
RDKit | 1D | fr_halogen | Number of halogens | Constitutional descriptor | 2 |
PaDEL | 2D | fragC | Complexity of a system | PaDEL Fragment Complexity descriptor | 6.03 |
PaDEL | 2D | gmax | Maximum E-State | Electrotopological State Atom Type descriptor | 4.94065645841247e-324 |
PaDEL | 2D | gmin | Minimum E-State | Electrotopological State Atom Type descriptor | Inf |
RDKit | 2D | HallKierAlpha | The Hall-Kier alpha value for a molecule.Rev. Comput. Chem. 2:367-422 (1991). | Topological descriptor | 1.09948051948052 |
RDKit | 1D | HeavyAtomCount | Number of heavy atoms of a molecule. | Constitutional descriptor | 3 |
RDKit | 1D | HeavyAtomMolWt | The average molecular weight of the molecule ignoring hydrogens | Constitutional descriptor | 125.844 |
PaDEL | 2D | hmax | Maximum H E-State | Electrotopological State Atom Type descriptor | 0.0864197531407295 |
PaDEL | 2D | hmin | Minimum H E-State | Electrotopological State Atom Type descriptor | 0.00568181807319862 |
PaDEL | 2D | HybRatio | Fraction of sp3 carbons to sp2 carbons | Hybridization Ratio descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | IC0 | Information content index (neighborhood symmetry of 0-order) | Information Content descriptor | 0.91829583405449 |
RDKit | 3D | InertialShapeFactor | Inertial shape factor | Geometrical descriptor | 0.001160195220368 |
RDKit | 2D | Kappa1 | Hall-Kier Kappa1 value | Topological descriptor | 32.5785365275625 |
RDKit | 2D | Kappa2 | Hall-Kier Kappa2 value | Topological descriptor | 11.3015375350806 |
RDKit | 2D | Kappa3 | Hall-Kier Kappa2 value | Topological descriptor | 3.09948051948052 |
PaDEL | 2D | Kier1 | First kappa shape index | KappaShape Indices descriptor | Inf |
PaDEL | 2D | Kier2 | Second kappa shape index | KappaShape Indices descriptor | NA |
RDKit | 2D | LabuteASA | Labute's Approximate Surface Area (ASA from MOE) | MOE-type descriptor | 42.2702845372233 |
Pybel | 2D | logP | octanol/water partition coefficient | Molecular property descriptor | -5.992 |
PaDEL | 2D | Mare | Mean atomic Allred-Rochow electronegativities (scaled on carbon atom) | Constitutional descriptor | 0.968 |
RDKit | 2D | MaxAbsPartialCharge | Returns molecular charge descriptors | Topological descriptor | 2 |
RDKit | 2D | MaxPartialCharge | Returns molecular charge descriptors | Topological descriptor | 2 |
PaDEL | 2D | McGowan_Volume | McGowan characteristic volume | McGowan Volume descriptor | 0.419 |
PaDEL | 2D | meanI | Mean intrinsic state values I | Electrotopological State Atom Type descriptor | Inf |
PaDEL | 2D | Mi | Mean first first ionization potentials (scaled on carbon atom) | Constitutional descriptor | 6.66053493013972 |
PaDEL | 2D | MIC0 | Modified information content index (neighborhood symmetry of 0-order) | Information Content descriptor | 42.6618921228376 |
RDKit | 2D | MinAbsPartialCharge | Returns molecular charge descriptors | Topological descriptor | 1 |
RDKit | 2D | MinPartialCharge | Returns molecular charge descriptors | Topological descriptor | -1 |
PaDEL | 2D | MLFER_A | Overall or summation solute hydrogen bond acidity | MLFER descriptor | 0.003 |
PaDEL | 2D | MLFER_BH | Overall or summation solute hydrogen bond basicity | MLFER descriptor | 0.071 |
PaDEL | 2D | MLFER_BO | Overall or summation solute hydrogen bond basicity | MLFER descriptor | 0.064 |
PaDEL | 2D | MLFER_E | Excessive molar refraction | MLFER descriptor | 0.294 |
PaDEL | 2D | MLFER_L | Solute gas-hexadecane partition coefficient | MLFER descriptor | 1.468 |
PaDEL | 2D | MLFER_S | Combined dipolarity/polarizability | MLFER descriptor | 0.441 |
PaDEL | 2D | MLogP | Mannhold LogP | Mannhold LogP descriptor | 1.13 |
RDKit | 2D | MolLogP | Wildman-Crippen LogP value.Wildman and Crippen JCICS 39:868-73 (1999) | Molecular property descriptor | -5.9945 |
RDKit | 2D | MolWt | The average molecular weight of the molecule | Molecular property descriptor | 125.844 |
PaDEL | 2D | Mp | Mean atomic polarizabilities (scaled on carbon atom) | Constitutional descriptor | 2.74650698602794 |
PaDEL | 2D | Mpe | Mean atomic Pauling electronegativities (scaled on carbon atom) | Constitutional descriptor | 1.02875816993464 |
Pybel | 2D | MR | molar refractivity | Molecular property descriptor | 11.706 |
PaDEL | 2D | Mse | Mean atomic Sanderson electronegativities (scaled on carbon atom) | Constitutional descriptor | 1.11070648215586 |
PaDEL | 2D | Mv | Mean atomic van der Waals volumes (scaled on carbon atom) | Constitutional descriptor | 1.31174944026053 |
Pybel | 2D | MW | Molecular weight | PaDEL Weight descriptor | 125.844049 |
PaDEL | 2D | MW | Molecular weight | PaDEL Weight descriptor | 124.87575046 |
PaDEL | 2D | nAtom | Number of atoms | Atom Count descriptor | 3 |
PaDEL | 2D | nCl | Number of chlorine atoms | Atom Count descriptor | 2 |
PaDEL | 2D | nHeavyAtom | Number of heavy atoms (i.e. not hydrogen) | Atom Count descriptor | 3 |
RDKit | 3D | NPR1 | Normalized principal moments ratio 1 | Geometrical descriptor | 0.034119614777746 |
RDKit | 3D | NPR2 | Normalized principal moments ratio 2 | Geometrical descriptor | 0.965880385222254 |
RDKit | 1D | NumHeteroatoms | Number of Heteroatoms | Constitutional descriptor | 3 |
RDKit | 1D | NumValenceElectrons | The number of valence electrons the molecule has | Constitutional descriptor | 21 |
PaDEL | 2D | nX | Number of halogen atoms (F, Cl, Br, I, At, Uus) | Atom Count descriptor | 2 |
RDKit | 2D | PEOE_VSA1 | MOE Charge VSA Descriptor 1 | MOE-type descriptor | 24.81406632236 |
RDKit | 2D | PEOE_VSA14 | MOE Charge VSA Descriptor 14 | MOE-type descriptor | 17.0686781524057 |
PaDEL | 2D | PetitjeanNumber | Petitjean number | Petitjean Number descriptor | 0.999000000999 |
RDKit | 3D | PMI1 | First Principal moment of Inertia | Geometrical descriptor | 832.515397638001 |
RDKit | 3D | PMI2 | Second Principal moment of Inertia | Geometrical descriptor | 23567.3907285295 |
RDKit | 3D | PMI3 | Third Principal moment of Inertia | Geometrical descriptor | 24399.9061261675 |
RDKit | 2D | qed | Quantitative estimation of drug-likeness | Topological descriptor | 0.283240261542608 |
PaDEL | 2D | R_TpiPCTPC | Ratio of total conventional bond order (up to order 10) with total path count (up to order 10) | Path Count descriptor | 1 |
RDKit | 3D | RadiusOfGyration | Radius of gyration | Geometrical descriptor | 13.9244426471459 |
PaDEL | 2D | Sare | Sum of atomic Allred-Rochow electronegativities (scaled on carbon atom) | Constitutional descriptor | 2.904 |
PaDEL | 2D | Si | Sum of first first ionization potentials (scaled on carbon atom) | Constitutional descriptor | 19.9816047904192 |
PaDEL | 2D | SIC0 | Structural information content index (neighborhood symmetry of 0-order) | Information Content descriptor | 0.579380164285695 |
RDKit | 2D | SlogP_VSA1 | MOE logP VSA Descriptor 1 | MOE-type descriptor | 24.81406632236 |
RDKit | 2D | SlogP_VSA3 | MOE logP VSA Descriptor 3 | MOE-type descriptor | 17.0686781524057 |
PaDEL | 2D | SM1_Dze | Spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SM1_Dzi | Spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix / weighted by first ionization potential | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SM1_Dzm | Spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix / weighted by mass | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SM1_Dzp | Spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix / weighted by polarizabilities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SM1_Dzs | Spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix / weighted by I-state | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SM1_Dzv | Spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SM1_DzZ | Spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix / weighted by atomic number | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
RDKit | 2D | SMR_VSA1 | MOE MR VSA Descriptor 1 | MOE-type descriptor | 41.8827444747656 |
PaDEL | 2D | Sp | Sum of atomic polarizabilities (scaled on carbon atom) | Constitutional descriptor | 8.23952095808383 |
PaDEL | 2D | SpAbs_Dze | Graph energy from Barysz matrix / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpAbs_Dzi | Graph energy from Barysz matrix / weighted by first ionization potential | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpAbs_Dzm | Graph energy from Barysz matrix / weighted by mass | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpAbs_Dzp | Graph energy from Barysz matrix / weighted by polarizabilities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpAbs_Dzs | Graph energy from Barysz matrix / weighted by I-state | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpAbs_Dzv | Graph energy from Barysz matrix / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpAbs_DzZ | Graph energy from Barysz matrix / weighted by atomic number | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpAD_D | Spectral absolute deviation from topological distance matrix | Topological Distance Matrix descriptor | 3999999996 |
PaDEL | 2D | SpAD_Dt | Spectral absolute deviation from detour matrix | Detour Matrix descriptor | 4 |
PaDEL | 2D | SpAD_Dze | Spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpAD_Dzi | Spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix / weighted by first ionization potential | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpAD_Dzm | Spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix / weighted by mass | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpAD_Dzp | Spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix / weighted by polarizabilities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpAD_Dzs | Spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix / weighted by I-state | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpAD_Dzv | Spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpAD_DzZ | Spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix / weighted by atomic number | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpDiam_D | Spectral diameter from topological distance matrix | Topological Distance Matrix descriptor | 2999999997 |
PaDEL | 2D | SpDiam_Dt | Spectral diameter from detour matrix | Detour Matrix descriptor | 3 |
PaDEL | 2D | SpDiam_Dze | Spectral diameter from Barysz matrix / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpDiam_Dzi | Spectral diameter from Barysz matrix / weighted by first ionization potential | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpDiam_Dzm | Spectral diameter from Barysz matrix / weighted by mass | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpDiam_Dzp | Spectral diameter from Barysz matrix / weighted by polarizabilities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpDiam_Dzs | Spectral diameter from Barysz matrix / weighted by I-state | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpDiam_Dzv | Spectral diameter from Barysz matrix / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpDiam_DzZ | Spectral diameter from Barysz matrix / weighted by atomic number | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | Spe | Sum of atomic Pauling electronegativities (scaled on carbon atom) | Constitutional descriptor | 3.08627450980392 |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMAD_D | Spectral mean absolute deviation from topological distance matrix | Topological Distance Matrix descriptor | 1333333332 |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMAD_Dt | Spectral mean absolute deviation from detour matrix | Detour Matrix descriptor | 1.33333333333333 |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMAD_Dze | Spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMAD_Dzi | Spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix / weighted by first ionization potential | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMAD_Dzm | Spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix / weighted by mass | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMAD_Dzp | Spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix / weighted by polarizabilities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMAD_Dzs | Spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix / weighted by I-state | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMAD_Dzv | Spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMAD_DzZ | Spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix / weighted by atomic number | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax_D | Leading eigenvalue from topological distance matrix | Topological Distance Matrix descriptor | 1999999998 |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax_Dt | Leading eigenvalue from detour matrix | Detour Matrix descriptor | 1 |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax_Dze | Leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax_Dzi | Leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix / weighted by first ionization potential | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax_Dzm | Leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix / weighted by mass | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax_Dzp | Leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix / weighted by polarizabilities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax_Dzs | Leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix / weighted by I-state | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax_Dzv | Leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax_DzZ | Leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix / weighted by atomic number | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax1_Bhe | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 1 / weighted by relative Sanderson electronegativities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax1_Bhi | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 1 / weighted by relative first ionization potential | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax1_Bhm | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 1 / weighted by relative mass | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax1_Bhp | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 1 / weighted by relative polarizabilities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax1_Bhs | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 1 / weighted by relative I-state | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax1_Bhv | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 1 / weighted by relative van der Waals volumes | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax2_Bhe | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 2 / weighted by relative Sanderson electronegativities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax2_Bhi | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 2 / weighted by relative first ionization potential | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax2_Bhm | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 2 / weighted by relative mass | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax2_Bhp | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 2 / weighted by relative polarizabilities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax2_Bhs | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 2 / weighted by relative I-state | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax2_Bhv | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 2 / weighted by relative van der Waals volumes | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax3_Bhe | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 3 / weighted by relative Sanderson electronegativities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax3_Bhi | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 3 / weighted by relative first ionization potential | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax3_Bhm | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 3 / weighted by relative mass | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax3_Bhp | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 3 / weighted by relative polarizabilities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax3_Bhs | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 3 / weighted by relative I-state | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax3_Bhv | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 3 / weighted by relative van der Waals volumes | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax4_Bhe | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 4 / weighted by relative Sanderson electronegativities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax4_Bhi | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 4 / weighted by relative first ionization potential | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax4_Bhm | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 4 / weighted by relative mass | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax4_Bhp | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 4 / weighted by relative polarizabilities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax4_Bhs | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 4 / weighted by relative I-state | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax4_Bhv | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 4 / weighted by relative van der Waals volumes | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax5_Bhe | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 5 / weighted by relative Sanderson electronegativities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax5_Bhi | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 5 / weighted by relative first ionization potential | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax5_Bhm | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 5 / weighted by relative mass | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax5_Bhp | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 5 / weighted by relative polarizabilities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax5_Bhs | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 5 / weighted by relative I-state | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax5_Bhv | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 5 / weighted by relative van der Waals volumes | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax6_Bhe | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 6 / weighted by relative Sanderson electronegativities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax6_Bhi | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 6 / weighted by relative first ionization potential | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax6_Bhm | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 6 / weighted by relative mass | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax6_Bhp | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 6 / weighted by relative polarizabilities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax6_Bhs | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 6 / weighted by relative I-state | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax6_Bhv | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 6 / weighted by relative van der Waals volumes | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax7_Bhe | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 7 / weighted by relative Sanderson electronegativities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax7_Bhi | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 7 / weighted by relative first ionization potential | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax7_Bhm | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 7 / weighted by relative mass | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax7_Bhp | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 7 / weighted by relative polarizabilities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax7_Bhs | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 7 / weighted by relative I-state | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax7_Bhv | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 7 / weighted by relative van der Waals volumes | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax8_Bhe | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 8 / weighted by relative Sanderson electronegativities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax8_Bhi | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 8 / weighted by relative first ionization potential | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax8_Bhm | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 8 / weighted by relative mass | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax8_Bhp | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 8 / weighted by relative polarizabilities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax8_Bhs | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 8 / weighted by relative I-state | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMax8_Bhv | Largest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 8 / weighted by relative van der Waals volumes | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin1_Bhe | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 1 / weighted by relative Sanderson electronegativities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin1_Bhi | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 1 / weighted by relative first ionization potential | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin1_Bhm | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 1 / weighted by relative mass | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin1_Bhp | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 1 / weighted by relative polarizabilities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin1_Bhs | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 1 / weighted by relative I-state | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin1_Bhv | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 1 / weighted by relative van der Waals volumes | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin2_Bhe | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 2 / weighted by relative Sanderson electronegativities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin2_Bhi | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 2 / weighted by relative first ionization potential | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin2_Bhm | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 2 / weighted by relative mass | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin2_Bhp | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 2 / weighted by relative polarizabilities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin2_Bhs | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 2 / weighted by relative I-state | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin2_Bhv | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 2 / weighted by relative van der Waals volumes | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin3_Bhe | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 3 / weighted by relative Sanderson electronegativities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin3_Bhi | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 3 / weighted by relative first ionization potential | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin3_Bhm | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 3 / weighted by relative mass | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin3_Bhp | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 3 / weighted by relative polarizabilities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin3_Bhs | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 3 / weighted by relative I-state | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin3_Bhv | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 3 / weighted by relative van der Waals volumes | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin4_Bhe | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 4 / weighted by relative Sanderson electronegativities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin4_Bhi | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 4 / weighted by relative first ionization potential | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin4_Bhm | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 4 / weighted by relative mass | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin4_Bhp | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 4 / weighted by relative polarizabilities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin4_Bhs | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 4 / weighted by relative I-state | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin4_Bhv | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 4 / weighted by relative van der Waals volumes | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin5_Bhe | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 5 / weighted by relative Sanderson electronegativities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin5_Bhi | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 5 / weighted by relative first ionization potential | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin5_Bhm | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 5 / weighted by relative mass | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin5_Bhp | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 5 / weighted by relative polarizabilities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin5_Bhs | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 5 / weighted by relative I-state | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin5_Bhv | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 5 / weighted by relative van der Waals volumes | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin6_Bhe | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 6 / weighted by relative Sanderson electronegativities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin6_Bhi | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 6 / weighted by relative first ionization potential | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin6_Bhm | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 6 / weighted by relative mass | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin6_Bhp | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 6 / weighted by relative polarizabilities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin6_Bhs | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 6 / weighted by relative I-state | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin6_Bhv | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 6 / weighted by relative van der Waals volumes | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin7_Bhe | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 7 / weighted by relative Sanderson electronegativities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin7_Bhi | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 7 / weighted by relative first ionization potential | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin7_Bhm | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 7 / weighted by relative mass | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin7_Bhp | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 7 / weighted by relative polarizabilities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin7_Bhs | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 7 / weighted by relative I-state | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin7_Bhv | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 7 / weighted by relative van der Waals volumes | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin8_Bhe | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 8 / weighted by relative Sanderson electronegativities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin8_Bhi | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 8 / weighted by relative first ionization potential | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin8_Bhm | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 8 / weighted by relative mass | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin8_Bhp | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 8 / weighted by relative polarizabilities | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin8_Bhs | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 8 / weighted by relative I-state | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | SpMin8_Bhv | Smallest absolute eigenvalue of Burden modified matrix - n 8 / weighted by relative van der Waals volumes | Burden Modified Eigen values descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | Sse | Sum of atomic Sanderson electronegativities (scaled on carbon atom) | Constitutional descriptor | 3.33211944646759 |
PaDEL | 2D | sumI | Sum of the intrinsic state values I | Electrotopological State Atom Type descriptor | Inf |
PaDEL | 2D | Sv | Sum of atomic van der Waals volumes (scaled on carbon atom) | Constitutional descriptor | 3.9352483207816 |
PaDEL | 2D | TIC0 | Total information content index (neighborhood symmetry of 0-order) | Information Content descriptor | 2.75488750216347 |
PaDEL | 2D | topoDiameter | Topological diameter | Topological descriptor | 999999999 |
PaDEL | 2D | topoRadius | Topological radius (minimum atom eccentricity) | Topological descriptor | 999999 |
PaDEL | 2D | topoShape | Petitjean topological shape index | Topological descriptor | 999.000999000999 |
PaDEL | 2D | TPC | Total path count (up to order 10) | Path Count descriptor | 3 |
PaDEL | 2D | TpiPC | Total conventional bond order | Path Count descriptor | 1.38629436111989 |
PaDEL | 2D | TSRW | Total self-return walk count | WalkCount descriptor | 1.38629436111989 |
PaDEL | 2D | TWC | Total walk count (up to order 10) | WalkCount descriptor | 3 |
PaDEL | 2D | VABC | Van der Waals volume calculated using the method proposed in [Zhao, Yuan H. and Abraham, Michael H. and Zissimos, Andreas M., Fast Calculation of van der Waals Volume as a Sum of Atomic and Bond Contributions and Its Application to Drug Compounds, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2003, 68:7368-7373] | VABC descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VAdjMat | Vertex adjacency information (magnitude) | VAdjMa descriptor | 2.58496250072116 |
PaDEL | 2D | VE1_Dt | Coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from detour matrix | Detour Matrix descriptor | 1.73205080756888 |
PaDEL | 2D | VE1_Dze | Coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE1_Dzi | Coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by first ionization potential | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE1_Dzm | Coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by mass | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE1_Dzp | Coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by polarizabilities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE1_Dzs | Coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by I-state | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE1_Dzv | Coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE1_DzZ | Coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by atomic number | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE2_Dt | Average coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from detour matrix | Detour Matrix descriptor | 0.577350269189626 |
PaDEL | 2D | VE2_Dze | Average coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE2_Dzi | Average coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by first ionization potential | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE2_Dzm | Average coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by mass | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE2_Dzp | Average coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by polarizabilities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE2_Dzs | Average coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by I-state | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE2_Dzv | Average coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE2_DzZ | Average coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by atomic number | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE3_Dt | Logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from detour matrix | Detour Matrix descriptor | 0.164791843300216 |
PaDEL | 2D | VE3_Dze | Logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE3_Dzi | Logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by first ionization potential | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE3_Dzm | Logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by mass | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE3_Dzp | Logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by polarizabilities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE3_Dzs | Logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by I-state | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE3_Dzv | Logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VE3_DzZ | Logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix / weighted by atomic number | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VP.0 | Valence path, order 0 | PaDEL ChiPath descriptor | 2 |
PaDEL | 2D | VR1_Dze | Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR1_Dzi | Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by first ionization potential | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR1_Dzm | Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by mass | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR1_Dzp | Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by polarizabilities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR1_Dzs | Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by I-state | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR1_Dzv | Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR1_DzZ | Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by atomic number | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR2_Dze | Normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR2_Dzi | Normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by first ionization potential | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR2_Dzm | Normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by mass | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR2_Dzp | Normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by polarizabilities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR2_Dzs | Normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by I-state | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR2_Dzv | Normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR2_DzZ | Normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by atomic number | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR3_D | Logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from topological distance matrix | Topological Distance Matrix descriptor | -Inf |
PaDEL | 2D | VR3_Dt | Logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from detour matrix | Detour Matrix descriptor | -Inf |
PaDEL | 2D | VR3_Dze | Logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by Sanderson electronegativities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR3_Dzi | Logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by first ionization potential | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR3_Dzm | Logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by mass | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR3_Dzp | Logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by polarizabilities | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR3_Dzs | Logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by I-state | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR3_Dzv | Logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by van der Waals volumes | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | VR3_DzZ | Logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix / weighted by atomic number | Barysz Matrix descriptor | NA |
PaDEL | 2D | WPATH | Weiner path number | Wiener Numbers descriptor | 2999999997 |
PaDEL | 2D | WTPT.1 | Molecular ID | PaDEL Weighted Path descriptor | 3 |
PaDEL | 2D | WTPT.2 | Molecular ID / number of atoms | PaDEL Weighted Path descriptor | 1 |
PaDEL | 2D | WTPT.3 | Sum of path lengths starting from heteroatoms | PaDEL Weighted Path descriptor | 3 |
PaDEL | 2D | XLogP | XLogP | XLogP descriptor | 1.024 |
PaDEL | 2D | ZMIC0 | Z-modified information content index (neighborhood symmetry of 0-order) | Information Content descriptor | 26.4671708556892 |
We have built a comprehensive resource which compiles potential endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) based on the observed adverse effects or endocrine-mediated endpoints in published experiments on humans or rodents to support basic research. We are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the published research articles or supporting literature on potential EDCs compiled in this resource. Users are advised to exercise their own judgement on the weight of evidence for potential EDCs compiled in this resource. Importantly, our sole goal to build this resource on potential EDCs is to enable future basic research towards better understanding of the systems-level perturbations upon chemical exposure rather than influencing regulatory advice on chemical use.