Manually curated data in Medicinal Fungi Secondary Metabolite And Therapeutics (MeFSAT) can be accessed by one of the below listed options:

Some of the salient features of Browse, Basic search and Advanced search pages are described in this page.


Users can choose the scientific name of medicinal fungi from the drop-down menus within the Browse section in the homepage to view the secondary metabolites or therapeutic uses associated with the corresponding medicinal fungi in MeFSAT. Note that the scientific names of the medicinal fungi in the drop-down menus are listed in the alphabetical order. Users can also choose the name or chemical classification of the secondary metabolite in the drop-down menus within the Browse section in the homepage to view the medicinal fungi which are associated with the selected secondary metabolite name or chemical classification. Finally, users can also choose the therapeutic use terms in the drop-down menus within the Browse section in the homepage to view the medicinal fungi which are associated with the selected therapeutic use term.


Basic search page has two tabs namely, Secondary metabolite association and Therapeutic use association, which can used to obtain information on the secondary metabolites and the therapeutic uses associated with medicinal fungi present in MeFSAT, repectively.

Secondary metabolite association

Users can obtain information on secondary metabolites of medicinal fungi using Secondary metabolite association tab by querying for:

Therapeutic use association

Users can obtain information on therapeutic uses of medicinal fungi using Therapeutic use association tab by querying for:


Advanced search page has three tabs namely, Physicochemical filter, Drug-like filter and Chemical similarity filter, which can be used to search and filter secondary metabolites associated with medicinal fungi present in MeFSAT based on their physicochemical properties, drug-likeness filters and chemical structure similarity, respectively.

Physicochemical filter

Users can filter secondary metabolites of medicinal fungi by selecting one or more of the physicochemical properties listed below:

Drug-like filter

Users can filter drug-like secondary metabolites of medicinal fungi by selecting one or more of the drug-likeness filters listed below:

Chemical similarity filter

Users can search for top 10 secondary metabolites of medicinal fungi which are structurally similar to their input chemical structure in SMILES format. User can choose either ECFP4 or MACCS keys fingerprint for computing tanimoto coefficient for chemical structure similarity.

Scaffold filter

Users can also select a specific molecular scaffold to filter secondary metabolites of medicinal fungi using Advanced search.

Designed by R.P. Vivek-Ananth, M Karthikeyan and Ajaya Kumar Sahoo