
Literature identifierStudy typeTest dosageEffective dosageEndocrine-mediated endpointsSystems-level perturbations
PMID:11876496IVR5 mg/kg 5 mg/kgAffects sertoli cells functionReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR5 mg/kg 5 mg/kgAffects folliculogenesisReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR5 mg/kg 5 mg/kgDecreased weights of adrenal glandMetabolic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR5 mg/kg 5 mg/kgReduced sperm countsReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR5 mg/kg 5 mg/kgDecreased weights of pituitary glandNeurological endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR5 mg/kg 5 mg/kgAbnormal estrous cyclesReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR5 mg/kg 5 mg/kgDecreased ovarian weightsReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR20 mg/kg 20 mg/kgDecreased ovarian weightsReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR20 mg/kg 20 mg/kgAffects sertoli cells functionReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR20 mg/kg 20 mg/kgReduced sperm countsReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR20 mg/kg 20 mg/kgAbnormal estrous cyclesReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR20 mg/kg 20 mg/kgAffects folliculogenesisReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR20 mg/kg 20 mg/kgDecreased weights of adrenal glandMetabolic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR20 mg/kg 20 mg/kgDecreased weights of pituitary glandNeurological endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgAffects morphology of hepatocytesHepatic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgAffects sertoli cells functionReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgAbnormal estrous cyclesReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgAffects survival of germ cellsReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgAtrophy in seminiferous tubulesReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgAffects spermatogenesisReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgChanges in epididymal morphologyReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgDecreased weights of pituitary glandNeurological endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgDecreased liver weightsHepatic endocrine-media
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgDecreased weights of adrenal gland
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgAffects folliculogenesis
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgAffects uterine morphology
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgAtrophy of adrenal gland
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgAlteration in vaginal morphology
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgDecreased ovarian weights
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgIncreased FSH levels
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgInduce apoptosis of endometrial cells
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgReduced sperm counts
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgDecreased weights of epididymis
IVR80 mg/kg 80 mg/kgDecreased testis weights
PMID:14580781IVR100 mg/kg 100 mg/kgUterine hyperplasiaReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR100 mg/kg 100 mg/kgChanges in mammary gland morphologyReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR100 mg/kg 100 mg/kgDecreased cholesterol levelsMetabolic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR100 mg/kg 100 mg/kgDecreased ovarian weightsReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR100 mg/kg 100 mg/kgIncrease in T4 levelsMetabolic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR100 mg/kg 100 mg/kgAbnormal estrous cyclesReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR100 mg/kg 100 mg/kgAffects locomotor activityNeurological endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR100 mg/kg 100 mg/kgHypertrophy in thyroid glandMetabolic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR100 mg/kg 100 mg/kgIncreased liver weightsHepatic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR100 mg/kg 100 mg/kgIncrease in TSH levelsMetabolic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR100 mg/kg 100 mg/kgChanges in adrenal gland morphologyMetabolic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR100 mg/kg 100 mg/kgIncreased Acid phosphatase (ACP) activity in the liverHepatic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR100 mg/kg 100 mg/kgDecrease in T3 levelsMetabolic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR10 mg/kg 10 mg/kgDecrease in T3 levelsMetabolic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR10 mg/kg 10 mg/kgDecreased cholesterol levelsMetabolic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR10 mg/kg 10 mg/kgIncreased Acid phosphatase (ACP) activity in the liverHepatic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR10 mg/kg 10 mg/kgAffects locomotor activityNeurological endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR10 mg/kg 10 mg/kgIncrease in TSH levelsMetabolic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR600 mg/kg 600 mg/kgDecreased thymus gland weightsImmunological endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR600 mg/kg 600 mg/kgChanges in adrenal gland morphologyMetabolic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR600 mg/kg 600 mg/kgIncreased liver weightsHepatic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR600 mg/kg 600 mg/kgIncrease in T4 levelsMetabolic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR600 mg/kg 600 mg/kgAffects locomotor activityNeurological endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR600 mg/kg 600 mg/kgDecrease in T3 levelsMetabolic endocrin
IVR600 mg/kg 600 mg/kgIncreased weights of adrenal gland
IVR600 mg/kg 600 mg/kgHypertrophy in thyroid gland
IVR600 mg/kg 600 mg/kgDecreased ovarian weights
IVR600 mg/kg 600 mg/kgDecreased cholesterol levels
IVR600 mg/kg 600 mg/kgUterine hyperplasia
IVR600 mg/kg 600 mg/kgIncrease in TSH levels
IVR600 mg/kg 600 mg/kgChanges in mammary gland morphology
IVR600 mg/kg 600 mg/kgIncreased uterine weights
IVR600 mg/kg 600 mg/kgAbnormal estrous cycles
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kgOligospermic
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kgReduced sperm counts
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kgDecreased weights of epididymis
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kgDecreased LH levels
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kg
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kg
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kg
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kg
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kg
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kg
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kg
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kg
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
IVR200 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
PMID:15013065IVR2 mg/kg/day 2 mg/kg/dayDecreased weights of adrenal glandMetabolic endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR10 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/dayIncreased weights of bulbocavernosus muscles/LABCReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR10 mg/kg/day 10 mg/kg/dayIncreased prostate weightsReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR40 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/dayIncreased prostate weightsReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR40 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/dayIncreased weights of bulbocavernosus muscles/LABCReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR40 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/dayDecreased weights of seminal vesiclesReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR40 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/dayIncreased cowper's gland weightsReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR40 mg/kg/day 40 mg/kg/dayIncreased weights of penisReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR0.5 mg/kg/day -No significant effects observed-
PMID:15337578IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kgDecreased weights of epididymisReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kgDecreased LH levelsReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kgDecreased testosterone levelsReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kgDecreased testis weightsReproductive endocrine-mediated perturbations
IVR40 mg/kg 40 mg/kgDecreased thymus gland weightsImmunological endocrine-mediated perturbations


We have built a comprehensive resource which compiles potential endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) based on the observed adverse effects or endocrine-mediated endpoints in published experiments on humans or rodents to support basic research. We are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the published research articles or supporting literature on potential EDCs compiled in this resource. Users are advised to exercise their own judgement on the weight of evidence for potential EDCs compiled in this resource. Importantly, our sole goal to build this resource on potential EDCs is to enable future basic research towards better understanding of the systems-level perturbations upon chemical exposure rather than influencing regulatory advice on chemical use.